#Periodic inspection
In order to improve road safety, your car has to undergo an annual technical inspection. This inspection is carried out for the first time before it is four years of age. On completion of this inspection, a technical inspection certificate is issued to you, indicating any defects.
A bonus system enables you to obtain an extension to the validity of your technical inspection certificate to 2 years. From 1-01-2025, the conditions for obtaining this bonus are as follows:
- Is your car 8 years old or less?
- Has your car always been presented within the proper period?
- Is the mileage equal to or less than 110,000 km?
- Does technical inspection certificate not feature a code 1, 2 or 3 (limited validity)?
- Does your vehicle not claim it is used as a “towing tractor for a trailer whose maximum laden mass is greater than 750 kg”?
The bonus system does not apply for inspections conducted with a view to selling the vehicle.
#Re-inspection/additional visit
If your vehicle has been issued with a technical inspection certificate with a limited validity, a re-inspection must be carried out at the same inspection centre in order to check that the defects noted have been repaired.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you present your vehicle within the period stated on the technical inspection certificate. If this period is exceeded by 2 months or more, you will require another full inspection.
#Inspection for the purpose of selling
Before being registered in the name of a new owner, the vehicle must be presented for a used car technical inspection. In addition to a basic inspection, a further 33-point inspection is carried out. On completion of this inspection, you will be issued with various documents:
Is the vehicle you are selling less than 3 years old?
Provided the vehicle passes the inspection, you will receive a technical inspection certificate that is valid until it is 4 years old. The same thing applies if the vehicle is fitted with a towing device for a maximum authorised mass of the trailer not exceeding 750 kg. If, on the other hand, the vehicle is intended to tow a trailer whose maximum authorised mass exceeds 750 kg, you will then receive a technical inspection certificate valid for 1 year.
Is the vehicle you are selling more than 3 years old?
Provided the vehicle passes the inspection, you will receive a technical inspection certificate with a validity of 1 year.
This report covers the results of 33 additional inspection points, thereby informing the potential buyer of the general condition of the vehicle not affecting safety directly.
This has a validity of 2 monthes from the date of inspection.
The Car-Pass provides traceability and guarantee of the mileage.
As of June 1, 2019, you can opt for the presentation plate of your choice:
The most recent registration plate of the vehicle, Another Belgian registration plate which is not cancelled. A registration plate is considered to be cancelled if it has been returned to the DIV, if it has been lost or stolen, or if it has not been assigned to a vehicle for more than 4 months.
Private individuals do not need commercial plates (Z/ZZ) anymore to present a vehicle. However, if the vehicle is presented by a professional, that person is required to prove that he/she is authorised to present vehicles with trade plates by presenting a use of commercial plates certificate.
The existing regulations on public roads remain applicable, especially regarding your insurance coverage.
Afin d’entamer une procédure de mise en conformité, il est nécessaire d’adresser au préalable une demande écrite (soit par mail, soit par voie postale) à une des stations habilitées de votre choix :
WANDRE: Avenue de l’Indépendance 91, 4020 Liège;
MARQUAIN: Rue de Serpolet 21, 7522 Marquain;
Afin d’être recevable, cette demande de rendez-vous doit comprendre, au minimum les informations suivantes :
– Vos coordonnées (Nom, Prénom, adresse, Téléphone, Adresse mail, N° TVA);
– Documents du véhicule (voir « Infos Pratiques »);
– Photos du véhicule.
Après analyse de votre demande par Autosécurité, une confirmation du rendez-vous vous sera envoyée.
#LPG/CNG inspections
Is your vehicle powered by LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) or CNG (compressed natural gas)? In this case, in addition to the basic technical inspection, it is subject to a specific LPG/CNG inspection.
The installation must be checked at the same time as the periodic inspection. The LPG/CNG tank must be filled at the time of the inspection.
In this case, this extra inspection will only be performed during the first basic technical inspection (periodic, secondhand…).
The regulatory checks linked to this kind of installations must be carried out by an authorised installer before the vehicle undertakes a technical inspection.
A CNG installation for example must undertake a visual check on the tanks before it is 4 years old! Contact your vehicle dealer or an authorised installer for information.
The vehicle must be presented within 30 calendar days in one of our inspection centres to check on the conformity of the installation and notify the competent tax authorities, regardless the year of the vehicle or its use.
The inspection of the installation will be carried out during the periodic inspection.
The LPG/CNG tank must be filled at the time of the inspection.
If the installation meets the standards, a label shall be issued and affixed to the windscreen of the vehicle. If any defects are reported in terms of the LPG/CNG equipment, the vehicle will receive a certificate with a limited or no validity; this is the case even if the vehicle is in good condition and is not powered by gas anymore.
The removal must be carried out by an authorised installer who will issue a specific removal attest. The vehicle must then be presented within 30 calendar days in one of our inspection centres, independently of any other technical inspection.
#Transfer inspection
It is possible to carry out the transfer of a vehicle and its registration plate between spouses or legal cohabitees, or from a parent to a child.
To do this, we invite you to make an appointment with your insurance company, taking the following documents with you (which can be obtained, where necessary, from your local council):
• the vehicle’s registration certificate
• a copy of the marriage certificate (spouses) or proof of legal cohabitation (legal cohabitees)
• a copy of the birth certificate in the event of a transfer to a child
• a letter from the owner, confirming the disposal
If the person disposing of the vehicle is deceased, you must have the documents for the vehicle, as well as a copy of the death certificate.
In the event of a death, the vehicle must be re-registered within 4 months. Once this period has expired, a used vehicle inspection must be carried out.
The ‘paper’ version of the registration application, completed, signed and accompanied by any annexes, must be submitted directly to a Vehicle Registration Department (DIV) office or via bpost.
It is not possible to transfer registration plates in the old format (5 or 6 characters).
If this is the case, as in the case of the transfer of a vehicle but not its plates, you will need to obtain a registration application from an inspection centre. This will merely involve a simple administrative visit.
Please bring the following documents with you:
• The registration certificate
• The certificate of conformity
• The most recent technical inspection certificate
• A copy of the marriage certificate (spouses) or proof of legal cohabitation (legal cohabitees)
• A copy of the birth certificate in the event of a transfer to a child (can be obtained from your local council)
• A letter from the owner, confirming the disposal or a copy of the death certificate.
Then go to your insurance company, taking the following documents with you:
• The registration application
• The registration certificate for the vehicle
• A copy of the marriage certificate (spouses) or proof of legal cohabitation (legal cohabitees)
• A copy of the birth certificate in the event of a transfer to a child (can be obtained from your local council)
• A letter from the owner, confirming the disposal or a copy of the death certificate.
In the event of a death, the vehicle must be re-registered within 4 monthes. Once this period has expired, a used vehicle inspection must be carried out.
#Tow hook inspection
Have you just fitted a towing device to your car?
A technical inspection is required as soon as the device is placed in service, at the time of periodic inspections and after it has been removed.
If your vehicle is fitted with a towing device designed to tow trailers whose maximum authorised mass (MAM) does not exceed 750 kg or is intended to act as a ‘bike-carrier’, then don’t forget that this device must also be inspected:
As soon as the device is placed in service
As soon as your vehicle has been fitted with a towing device or ‘bike-carrier’, even if new, it must be presented for a technical inspection.
If your vehicle is less than 4 years old:
• If a full inspection was carried out less than 2 months ago, or the vehicle has never been presented for inspection, a partial inspection consisting of a check of the towing device and the way it has been attached will be carried out. A technical inspection certificate, valid until your vehicle is 4 years old, will then be issued. The same thing applies for a new vehicle fitted with such a device.
• If a full inspection was carried out more than 2 monthes ago, a full inspection will have to be carried out.
A technical inspection certificate, valid until your vehicle is 4 years old, will be issued unless the vehicle is in its 4th year, in which case validity of 1 year will be given.
If your vehicle is 4 years old or more and the most recent full inspection was carried out more than 2 months ago, a full inspection will be carried out. The date of this inspection will then become the new reference date. If your vehicle underwent a full inspection less than 2 months ago, then you may benefit from a partial inspection. This inspection will not affect the validity of your technical inspection certificate.
Periodic inspections
A full towing device, installed and attached, is mandatory during the periodic inspection, otherwise a red certificate with validity limited to 15 days will be issued to you.
After removal (administrative regularisation)
Removal of a towing device requires you to present the vehicle for administrative regularisation at an inspection centre. Given the individual cases likely to be encountered, we suggest that you contact our customer service department on 087/57.20.30 for more information.
If your vehicle is fitted with a towing device intended to tow trailers whose maximum authorised mass (MAM) is greater than 750 kg, then don’t forget that it must also be inspected:
As soon as the device is placed in service
As soon as your vehicle has been fitted with a towing device, you must present it for a technical inspection. This will be a full inspection (basic inspection + checks on the towing device and the way it has been attached).
If your vehicle passes the inspection, you will receive a technical inspection certificate with the wording ‘vehicle for towing trailer’, as well as the masses that can be towed. In this case, the validity of the certificate will be for 1 year.
If your vehicle has undergone a full inspection less than 2 months ago, then you may benefit from a partial inspection consisting of a check on the towing device and the way it has been attached.
Annual inspection
A full towing device, installed and attached, is mandatory during the periodic inspection, otherwise a red certificate with validity limited to 15 days will be issued to you.
After removal (administrative regularisation)
Removal of a towing device requires you to present the vehicle for administrative regularisation at an inspection centre. Given the individual cases likely to be encountered, we suggest that you contact our customer service department on 087/57.20.30 for more information.
#Importing a vehicle
The 705 label from the customs office has been replaced since February 4, 2019, by an electronic information called ‘e-705’. The latter is sent to the Vehicle Registration Department office (DIV) directly. The registration application form, however, can only be obtained from an inspection centre.
Since 1 April 2019, it is possible to register vehicles imported from the EU via WebDIV.
This procedure is only possible if all following conditions are met:
1. Your vehicle has to be a category M, N or O.
M: cars and buses
N: (light) trucks
O: (semi)trailers
Categories T, C, R and S (agricultural tractors, tracked vehicles and agricultural trailers) are excluded.
2. Your chassis number must contain 17 characters.
3. Your vehicle needs to clear customs. Go to the nearest customs office with the documents of the vehicle and the purchase invoice.
4. You need to pre-register your vehicle. Visit the website for FPS Mobility and Transport and have your electronic identity card ready.
If all these steps are carried out in this order, the registration can directly be made by the insurer.
For vehicles already registered in another Member State of the European Union and that have a European approval number, the European certificate of conformity (COC) is not required. This means that these vehicles are exempt from the approval inspection and may be presented directly for a used vehicle inspection in any of our centres.
All other vehicles must have a Belgian or European certificate of conformity. Where applicable, you can obtain this certificate from the official importer for the make of vehicle, or on completion of a special approval inspection at an inspection centre with authority to carry out such inspections.
For more information about this type of inspection, we advise you to contact our customer service department on 087/57.20.30.
To make an appointment (which is compulsory for this procedure), call 087/39.39.49.
When there is a change of owner, a used vehicle inspection must be carried out. For this type of inspection, an appointment must be made by calling our customer service department on 087/39.39.49. Making appointments online is not possible for vehicles coming from aboard.
Provided your vehicle passes the technical inspection, a label will be issued and placed on the registration application form. Your insurer can then affix its official stamp and lodge your registration application with the Department of Vehicle Registrations (DIV).
To register a new vehicle or for re-registrations in the name of the same owner, a used vehicle inspection is not necessary. All processes will then be carried out with your insurer. We would draw your attention to the obligation of presenting for a technical inspection any vehicle that is 4 years old.
#Alteration (tuning)
As soon as any modifications or conversions are made to your vehicle, you must present it for a technical inspection to check whether you can drive around in it safely.
#Inspection post-accident - cars, light trucks, camping-cars, vehicle with a special use
If your vehicle has been in an accident, it may be submitted, on the decision of a loss-adjuster, to a post-accident inspection. The aim of this inspection is to check whether your vehicle can be put back on the road without endangering the safety of its passengers, as well as that of other road users.
In addition to a basic inspection, specific measurements will be taken of the geometry of the wheels and the chassis. The assessment will be made based on the dimensional data supplier by the manufacturer.
On completion of this inspection, you will receive a technical inspection certificate indicating any defects, as well as the report for the geometric measurements.
A post-accident inspection in no way modifies the reference date for the periodic inspection and hence at the most grants validity until the next periodic inspection. This inspection may take the place of the periodic inspection if it is carried out within a period of 2 months prior to the reference date.