Expiry date

The expiry date may be changed, but only by shortening the inspection cycle. For example, you can request the inspection period for your car and your caravan to be synchronised by opting to shorten one of the periods of validity. Then all you have to do is present the 2 together by the first of the two expiry dates.

The regulations in effect do not allow us to extend the validity date for any reason whatsoever.

If the expiry date has passed, the price of the inspection will be increased by an additional fee for not respecting the expiry date, depending on the rate in effect at the time. This amount various according to how late you are. For more information, see the sliding scale of fees. You will also lose your right to claim any bonus on the validity of the certificate.Price

We would remind you that you can present your vehicle up to two months before the expiry date for vehicles with an inspection interval of one year and up to one month before the expiry date for vehicles with an inspection interval of six months, without losing the remaining period of validity. For example, a car with an expiry date of 1st March can be presented from 1st January. The new inspection certificate will be valid until 1st March of the following year.

Your vehicle may also be presented by a person other than you.
